2024 FMB Gold Cup Standings

Rank Photo Name Sponsors Points Counting Results
1 Griffin Paulson Griffin Paulson
1707 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 2nd | 675
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 9th | 357
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 2nd | 675
2 Kaidan Ingersoll Kaidan Ingersoll
United States of America
1689 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 3rd | 600
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 2nd | 675
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 7th | 414
3 Nicholi Rogatkin Nicholi Rogatkin
United States of America
1500 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 1st | 750
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 1st | 750
4 Alex Alanko Alex Alanko
1152 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 5th | 492
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 6th | 450
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 16th | 210
5 Ben Thompson Ben Thompson
1141.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 6th | 450
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 11th | 307.5
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 8th | 384
6 Chance Moore Chance Moore
1140 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 4th | 540
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 3rd | 600
7 Tobey Miley Tobey Miley
1105.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 7th | 414
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 8th | 384
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 11th | 307.5
8 Jake Atkinson Jake Atkinson
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1101 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 20th | 159
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 5th | 492
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 6th | 450
9 Nicolas Kroffig Nicolas Kroffig
1006.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 12th | 285
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 18th | 181.5
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 4th | 540
10 Lukas Skiöld * Lukas Skiöld *
946.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 16th | 210
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 14th | 244.5
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 5th | 492
11 Dane Folpp Dane Folpp
891 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 8th | 384
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 21st | 150
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 9th | 357
12 Anton Linder * Anton Linder *
826.5 2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 15th | 226.5
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 3rd | 600
13 Tom Isted * Tom Isted *
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
750 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 1st | 750
14 Friedger Schönberger Friedger Schönberger
745.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 21st | 150
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 10th | 331.5
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 13th | 264
15 Nicolas Terrier Nicolas Terrier
672 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 18th | 181.5
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 20th | 159
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 10th | 331.5
16 Ayden Siebenaler Ayden Siebenaler
595.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 10th | 331.5
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 13th | 264
17 Hugo Canal Hugo Canal
552 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 9th | 357
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 17th | 195
18 Liam Baylis Liam Baylis
540 2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 4th | 540
19 Dorian Macher Dorian Macher
532.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 17th | 195
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 17th | 195
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 22nd | 142.5
20 Jaden Chipman Jaden Chipman
414 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | th | 0
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 7th | 414
21 Vinzent Raimann Vinzent Raimann
406.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 13th | 264
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 22nd | 142.5
22 Or GAD Or GAD
363 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 15th | 226.5
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 23rd | 136.5
23 Damian Anhder Damian Anhder
United States
307.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 11th | 307.5
24 Max Fredriksson Max Fredriksson
285 2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 12th | 285
24 Sam Pilgrim Sam Pilgrim
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
285 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 12th | 285
26 Maximilian Wassmuth Maximilian Wassmuth
265.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 22nd | 142.5
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 27th | 123
27 Ondra Slez Ondra Slez
244.5 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 14th | 244.5
27 Valentin Raimann Valentin Raimann
244.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 14th | 244.5
29 Erik Fedko Erik Fedko
226.5 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 15th | 226.5
30 Max Langille Max Langille
210 2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 16th | 210
31 Jonas Sonnenberg Jonas Sonnenberg
181.5 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 18th | 181.5
32 Finley Kirschenmann Finley Kirschenmann
United States of America
169.5 2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | th | 0
2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 19th | 169.5
32 Hayden Zablotny Hayden Zablotny
169.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 19th | 169.5
2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | th | 0
32 Jacob Murray Jacob Murray
169.5 2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | 19th | 169.5
35 Jack Feick * Jack Feick *
159 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 20th | 159
36 Mike Ross Mike Ross
150 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 21st | 150
37 Sebastian Riopel Sebastian Riopel
136.5 2024 Big White Invitational hosted by Tom van Steenbergen | 23rd | 136.5
38 Finley Davies Finley Davies
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
132 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 24th | 132
39 Christian Arehart Christian Arehart
United States of America
129 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 25th | 129
40 Keon O'Brien Keon O'Brien
126 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 26th | 126
41 Boris Rezabek Boris Rezabek
120 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 28th | 120
42 Felix Törnqvist Felix Törnqvist
117 2024 iXS Dirt Masters Slopestyle | 29th | 117
43 Lucas Huppert Lucas Huppert
0 2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | th | 0
43 Miguel Guerrero Miguel Guerrero
0 2024 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar | th | 0