2023 FMBA Red Bull Rookie Standings

Rank Photo Name Sponsors Points Counting Results
1 Jake Atkinson Jake Atkinson
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1533.6 2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 1st | 600
2023 O Marisquino (M) | 5th | 393.6
2023 Red Bull Roof Ride (M) | 2nd | 540
2 Chance Moore Chance Moore
1440 2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 3rd | 480
2023 iXS Dirt Masters (M) | 3rd | 480
2023 Red Bull Roof Ride (M) | 3rd | 480
3 Tobey Miley Tobey Miley
1365.6 2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 5th | 393.6
2023 O Marisquino (M) | 4th | 432
2023 iXS Dirt Masters (M) | 2nd | 540
4 Kaidan Ingersoll Kaidan Ingersoll
United States of America
1094.4 2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 4th | 432
2023 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar (M) | 7th | 331.2
2023 Red Bull Roof Ride (M) | 7th | 331.2
5 Anton Linder * Anton Linder *
1039.2 2023 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar (M) | 13th | 211.2
2023 O Marisquino (M) | 12th | 228
2023 iXS Dirt Masters (M) | 1st | 600
6 Friedger Schönberger Friedger Schönberger
938.4 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 1st | 300
2023 O Marisquino (M) | 7th | 331.2
2023 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar (M) | 8th | 307.2
7 Marcel Durbau Marcel Durbau
795.6 2023 O Marisquino (M) | 8th | 307.2
2023 iXS Dirt Masters (M) | 8th | 307.2
2023 Red Bull Roof Ride (M) | 15th | 181.2
8 Finley Kirschenmann Finley Kirschenmann
United States of America
728.4 2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 11th | 246
2023 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar (M) | 9th | 285.6
2023 Birell BikeFest (M/W) | 5th | 196.8
9 Nick Schubarth Nick Schubarth
667.2 2023 O Marisquino (M) | 11th | 246
2023 iXS Dirt Masters (M) | 15th | 181.2
2023 Züri Dirt Contest (M/W) | 3rd | 240
10 Dorian Macher Dorian Macher
642 2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 8th | 307.2
2023 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar (M) | 15th | 181.2
2023 Horsefeathers Iron Town Session 2023 (M/W) | 8th | 153.6
11 Jakub Hejl Jakub Hejl
637.2 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 2nd | 270
2023 O Marisquino (M) | 20th | 127.2
2023 Horsefeathers Iron Town Session 2023 (M/W) | 3rd | 240
12 Dane Folpp Dane Folpp
595.2 2023 Kooralbyn Mountain Bike Festival (M/W) - AST | 1st | 150
2023 iXS Dirt Masters (M) | 18th | 145.2
2023 Highline Mountain Bike Festival (M) | 1st | 300
13 Jack Feick * Jack Feick *
589.2 2023 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 1st | 150
2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 13th | 211.2
2023 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar (M) | 12th | 228
14 Keon O'Brien Keon O'Brien
547.2 2023 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar (M) | 14th | 195.6
2023 Natural Games (M) | 4th | 216
2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 19th | 135.6
15 Jonas Sonnenberg Jonas Sonnenberg
544.8 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 5th | 196.8
2023 iXS Dirt Masters (M) | 16th | 168
2023 Züri Dirt Contest (M/W) | 6th | 180
16 Ayden Siebenaler Ayden Siebenaler
535.2 2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 10th | 265.2
2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 1st | 150
2023 Vancouver Island Slopestyle (M/W) | 3rd | 120
17 Or GAD Or GAD
525.6 2023 Natural Games (M) | 2nd | 270
2023 Horsefeathers Iron Town Session 2023 (M/W) | 11th | 123
2023 Züri Dirt Contest (M/W) | 10th | 132.6
18 Zac West Zac West
United States of America
517.2 2023 Birell BikeFest (M/W) | 6th | 180
2023 Rheeder Slopestyle at SilverStar (M) | 17th | 156
2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 15th | 181.2
19 Vinzent Raimann Vinzent Raimann
511.2 2023 O Marisquino (M) | 10th | 265.2
2023 Birell BikeFest (M/W) | 11th | 123
2023 Züri Dirt Contest (M/W) | 11th | 123
20 Christian Arehart Christian Arehart
United States of America
505.8 2023 UFS Dirt Pipe - Stop 2 (M/W) | 2nd | 135
2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 12th | 228
2023 Horsefeathers Iron Town Session 2023 (M/W) | 9th | 142.8
21 Reto Heini Reto Heini
496.8 2023 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 1st | 150
2023 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 1st | 150
2023 Züri Dirt Contest (M/W) | 5th | 196.8
22 Bartek Pietras Bartek Pietras
466.8 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 9th | 142.8
2023 Red Bull Roof Ride (M) | 16th | 168
2023 O Marisquino (M) | 17th | 156
23 Andrew Meier Andrew Meier
United States of America
420 2023 UFS Dirt Jump - Stop 1 (M/W) | 2nd | 135
2023 Crankworx Summer Series Quebec (M/W) | 1st | 150
2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 2nd | 135
24 Elija Rusch Elija Rusch
405 2023 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 2nd | 135
2023 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 2nd | 135
2023 The BikeYard Jam (M/W) | 2nd | 135
24 Ted Oakley * Ted Oakley *
405 2023 Highline Mountain Bike Festival (M) | 2nd | 270
2023 Kooralbyn Mountain Bike Festival (M/W) - AST | 2nd | 135
26 Jaric Hubacher Jaric Hubacher
390 2023 DieMTB Challenge - INS (M) | 2nd | 135
2023 Tk Dirt & Co Contest - INS (M) | 2nd | 135
2023 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 3rd | 120
27 Devin Stimach Devin Stimach
United States of America
389.4 2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 17th | 156
2023 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 2nd | 135
2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
28 Przemek Abramowicz Przemek Abramowicz
384 2023 Horsefeathers Iron Town Session 2023 (M/W) | 7th | 165.6
2023 O Marisquino (M) | 21st | 120
2023 Red Bull Roof Ride (M) | 27th | 98.4
29 Jacopo Ferracci Jacopo Ferracci
383.4 2023 Gallo Farm Fest - INS (M) | 2nd | 135
2023 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
2023 DieMTB Challenge - INS (M) | 1st | 150
30 Jascha Frei Jascha Frei
376.8 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 6th | 180
2023 XPro Bikes Drahteselfestival Diespeck (M) | 5th | 98.4
2023 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
31 Michael Priller Michael Priller
369 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 12th | 114
2023 XPro Bikes Drahteselfestival Diespeck (M) | 2nd | 135
2023 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 3rd | 120
32 Andrew Head Andrew Head
344.1 2023 Natural Games (M) | 14th | 97.8
2023 Highline Mountain Bike Festival (M) | 6th | 180
2023 Kooralbyn Mountain Bike Festival (M/W) - AST | 10th | 66.3
33 Juri Stoffers Juri Stoffers
334.8 2023 Tk Dirt & Co Contest - INS (M) | 1st | 150
2023 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
2023 The BikeYard Jam (M/W) | 4th | 108
34 James Angiulo James Angiulo
United States of America
331.8 2023 UFS Dirt Pipe - Stop 2 (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
2023 Crankworx Summer Series Quebec (M/W) | 2nd | 135
2023 iXS Dirt Masters (M) | 22nd | 114
35 Valentin Raimann Valentin Raimann
305.4 2023 O Marisquino (M) | 16th | 168
2023 Birell BikeFest (M/W) | 15th | 90.6
2023 Züri Dirt Contest (M/W) | 29th | 46.8
36 Ivan Bautista Ivan Bautista
300 2023 Gallo Farm Fest - INS (M) | 1st | 150
2023 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 1st | 150
37 Michael Wilson Michael Wilson
292.8 2023 Highline Mountain Bike Festival (M) | 4th | 216
2023 Kooralbyn Mountain Bike Festival (M/W) - AST | 8th | 76.8
38 Damian Anhder Damian Anhder
United States
288 2023 Big White Invitational - Hosted by Tom van Steenbergen (M) | 16th | 168
2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 3rd | 120
39 Liam Nichols Liam Nichols
United States
286.8 2023 UFS Dirt Jump - Stop 1 (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
2023 Crankworx Summer Series Quebec (M/W) | 3rd | 120
2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 6th | 90
40 Maximus Wielopolski Maximus Wielopolski
285 2023 XPro Bikes Drahteselfestival Diespeck (M) | 1st | 150
2023 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 2nd | 135
41 Dean Friedrich Dean Friedrich
267.6 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 10th | 132.6
2023 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 2nd | 135
42 Marek Sander Marek Sander
247.2 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 19th | 67.8
2023 XPro Bikes Drahteselfestival Diespeck (M) | 4th | 108
2023 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
43 Jules Geauffret Jules Geauffret
246.9 2023 Natural Games (M) | 10th | 132.6
2023 OutdoorMix Festival (M) | 13th | 52.8
2023 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
44 Jerome Hollinger Jerome Hollinger
245.4 2023 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 12th | 57
2023 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 6th | 90
2023 The BikeYard Jam (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
45 Leroy Leslie Leroy Leslie
240 2023 Highline Mountain Bike Festival (M) | 3rd | 240
46 Mateo Retoin Mateo Retoin
237 2023 Natural Games (M) | 7th | 165.6
2023 OutdoorMix Festival (M) | 9th | 71.4
47 Jarno Ahnert Jarno Ahnert
231 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 11th | 123
2023 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 4th | 108
48 Calum Ralston Calum Ralston
225 2023 Horseshoe Valley Slopestyle (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
2023 Crankworx Summer Series Quebec (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
49 Federico Borromini Federico Borromini
216 2023 DieMTB Challenge - INS (M) | 4th | 108
2023 Tk Dirt & Co Contest - INS (M) | 4th | 108
50 Dorian Blanchard Dorian Blanchard
215.1 2023 Natural Games (M) | 8th | 153.6
2023 OutdoorMix Festival (M) | 11th | 61.5
51 Dareck Graham Dareck Graham
United States of America
206.4 2023 UFS Dirt Jump - Stop 1 (M/W) | 4th | 108
2023 UFS Dirt Pipe - Stop 2 (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
52 Nicolas Kroffig Nicolas Kroffig
198 2023 Horsefeathers Iron Town Session 2023 (M/W) | 16th | 84
2023 Züri Dirt Contest (M/W) | 12th | 114
52 Samuel Pretty Samuel Pretty
198 2023 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 17th | 39
2023 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 3rd | 120
2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 17th | 39
54 Maximilian Ladeck Maximilian Ladeck
197.4 2023 Ljubljana MTB Vikend (M) | 8th | 76.8
2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 20th | 63.6
2023 Birell BikeFest (M/W) | 22nd | 57
55 Jadon Wilson Jadon Wilson
196.8 2023 Highline Mountain Bike Festival (M) | 5th | 196.8
56 Marlon Katzke Marlon Katzke
195.6 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 13th | 105.6
2023 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 6th | 90
57 Nathan Compartino Nathan Compartino
188.4 2023 Horseshoe Valley Slopestyle (M/W) | 6th | 90
2023 Crankworx Summer Series Quebec (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
57 Nervi Matteo Nervi Matteo
188.4 2023 Gallo Farm Fest - INS (M) | 5th | 98.4
2023 DieMTB Challenge - INS (M) | 6th | 90
59 Jerrell Webster Jerrell Webster
United States of America
181.5 2023 UFS Dirt Jump - Stop 1 (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
2023 UFS Dirt Pipe - Stop 2 (M/W) | 3rd | 120
60 Leonardo Campos Leonardo Campos
174 2023 OutdoorMix Festival (M) | 8th | 76.8
2023 Horsefeathers Iron Town Session 2023 (M/W) | 29th | 46.8
2023 Züri Dirt Contest (M/W) | 26th | 50.4
61 River Ward River Ward
162.9 2023 Horseshoe Valley Slopestyle (M/W) | 17th | 39
2023 Crankworx Summer Series Quebec (M/W) | 6th | 90
2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 19th | 33.9
62 Nico Tanzberger Nico Tanzberger
160.38 2023 XPro Bikes Drahteselfestival Diespeck (M) | 10th | 66.3
2023 Horsefeathers Iron Town Session 2023 (M/W) | 31st | 44.88
2023 Züri Dirt Contest (M/W) | 27th | 49.2
63 Noah Erps Noah Erps
United States of America
159.6 2023 UFS Dirt Jump - Stop 1 (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
2023 UFS Dirt Pipe - Stop 2 (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
64 Ethan Jack Ethan Jack
156.9 2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 14th | 48.9
2023 Vancouver Island Slopestyle (M/W) | 4th | 108
65 Daniele Mazzucchi Daniele Mazzucchi
156.3 2023 Tk Dirt & Co Contest - INS (M) | 6th | 90
2023 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
66 Lasse Torbohm Lasse Torbohm
153.6 2023 iXS Dirt Masters (M) | 26th | 100.8
2023 Birell BikeFest (M/W) | 24th | 52.8
67 Billy Meaclem Billy Meaclem
New Zealand
150 2023 Queenstown Bike Festival (M/W) | 1st | 150
68 Max Mayerhofer Max Mayerhofer
141.6 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 25th | 51.6
2023 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 6th | 90
69 Max Levytskyy Max Levytskyy
138 2023 Horseshoe Valley Slopestyle (M/W) | 4th | 108
2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 21st | 30
70 Ben Markwick Ben Markwick
135 2023 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 2nd | 135
71 Martino Segato Martino Segato
132.6 2023 DieMTB Challenge - INS (M) | 10th | 66.3
2023 Tk Dirt & Co Contest - INS (M) | 10th | 66.3
72 Nathan Reudink Nathan Reudink
United States of America
132 2023 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 16th | 42
2023 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 6th | 90
73 Edoardo Perugino Edoardo Perugino
120 2023 Gallo Farm Fest - INS (M) | 3rd | 120
73 Jakob Hartman Jakob Hartman
120 2023 Crankworx Summer Series Quebec (M/W) | 3rd | 120
75 Stefano Martinoni Stefano Martinoni
114 2023 DieMTB Challenge - INS (M) | 12th | 57
2023 Tk Dirt & Co Contest - INS (M) | 12th | 57
76 Adrien Wolf Adrien Wolf
108 2023 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 4th | 108
77 Jack Kreutzer Jack Kreutzer
105.9 2023 Horseshoe Valley Slopestyle (M/W) | 12th | 57
2023 Crankworx Summer Series Quebec (M/W) | 14th | 48.9
78 Filip Vokurka Filip Vokurka
105.84 2023 Horsefeathers Iron Town Session 2023 (M/W) | 30th | 45.84
2023 Birell BikeFest (M/W) | 21st | 60
79 Matthias Rothkirch Matthias Rothkirch
103.5 2023 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 16th | 42
2023 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
80 Dominick Schulz Dominick Schulz
United States of America
98.4 2023 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
80 Finn Wendisch Finn Wendisch
98.4 2023 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
80 Garrett Wider Garrett Wider
United States of America
98.4 2023 Horseshoe Valley Slopestyle (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
80 Saul Saunders Saul Saunders
New Zealand
98.4 2023 Queenstown Bike Festival (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
80 Viggo Westerlund Viggo Westerlund
98.4 2023 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
85 Julian Dallmann Julian Dallmann
97.8 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 14th | 97.8
86 Navarro Guerra Navarro Guerra
United States of America
90 2023 Vancouver Island Slopestyle (M/W) | 6th | 90
86 Sebastiano Battistelli Sebastiano Battistelli
90 2023 Gallo Farm Fest - INS (M) | 6th | 90
88 Linus Haussühl Linus Haussühl
84 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 16th | 84
89 Ange Jamin Ange Jamin
82.8 2023 Ljubljana MTB Vikend (M) | 7th | 82.8
89 Henrik Habel Henrik Habel
82.8 2023 XPro Bikes Drahteselfestival Diespeck (M) | 7th | 82.8
89 Joseph Cromwell Joseph Cromwell
United States of America
82.8 2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
89 Logan Royet Logan Royet
82.8 2023 OutdoorMix Festival (M) | 7th | 82.8
89 Maurice Zimmer Maurice Zimmer
82.8 2023 Tk Dirt & Co Contest - INS (M) | 7th | 82.8
94 Arvid Brusehed Arvid Brusehed
76.8 2023 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
94 Carter Melson Carter Melson
76.8 2023 Vancouver Island Slopestyle (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
94 Eric Bosler Eric Bosler
76.8 2023 XPro Bikes Drahteselfestival Diespeck (M) | 8th | 76.8
94 Kohen Schumlick Kohen Schumlick
76.8 2023 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
98 Leonardo Schweizer Leonardo Schweizer
71.4 2023 XPro Bikes Drahteselfestival Diespeck (M) | 9th | 71.4
98 Melvin Johansson Melvin Johansson
71.4 2023 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
98 Will Curry Will Curry
71.4 2023 Horseshoe Valley Slopestyle (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
101 Hayes Livernois Hayes Livernois
United States of America
66.3 2023 UFS Dirt Jump - Stop 1 (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
101 Janej Gumilar Janej Gumilar
66.3 2023 Ljubljana MTB Vikend (M) | 10th | 66.3
103 Dawson Gibbs Dawson Gibbs
United States of America
61.5 2023 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
104 Alexander Mild Alexander Mild
57 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 22nd | 57
104 Jayce Winter Jayce Winter
United States of America
57 2023 Vancouver Island Slopestyle (M/W) | 12th | 57
104 Simon Böttle Simon Böttle
57 2023 XPro Bikes Drahteselfestival Diespeck (M) | 12th | 57
107 Simon Kunath Simon Kunath
54.6 2023 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 23rd | 54.6
108 Bence Horvath Bence Horvath
52.8 2023 Tk Dirt & Co Contest - INS (M) | 13th | 52.8
108 Sam Roberts Sam Roberts
52.8 2023 Horseshoe Valley Slopestyle (M/W) | 13th | 52.8
110 Joshua Taylor Joshua Taylor
48.9 2023 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 14th | 48.9
110 Noah Acheson Noah Acheson
48.9 2023 Vancouver Island Slopestyle (M/W) | 14th | 48.9
112 Axel Sparrman Axel Sparrman
45.3 2023 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M/W) | 15th | 45.3
112 Jesse Munden Jesse Munden
45.3 2023 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 15th | 45.3
114 Isak Danielsson Isak Danielsson
42 2023 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M/W) | 16th | 42
115 Benjamin Fall Benjamin Fall
36.3 2023 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M/W) | 18th | 36.3
115 Ross Anderson Ross Anderson
36.3 2023 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 18th | 36.3
117 Anthony Mariani Anthony Mariani
31.8 2023 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 20th | 31.8
118 Zach Zaremba Zach Zaremba
30 2023 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 21st | 30
119 Patryk Uliasz Patryk Uliasz
24 2023 Red Bull Roof Ride Rookies Contest (M) | 28th | 24