2022 DMR Dirt Wars PRO

Rank Photo Name Sponsors Points Counting Results
1 Jake Atkinson Jake Atkinson
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
870 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 1st | 150
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 2nd | 135
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 2nd | 135
2022 DWUK R3 Freddys Yard Slopestyle | 1st | 150
2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 1st | 150
2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 1st | 150
2 Finley Davies Finley Davies
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
561 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 6th | 90
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 4th | 108
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 3rd | 120
2022 DWUK R3 Freddys Yard Slopestyle | 4th | 108
2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 2nd | 135
3 Samuel Berry Samuel Berry
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
456.3 2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 9th | 71.4
2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 8th | 76.8
2022 DWUK R3 Freddys Yard Slopestyle | 6th | 90
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 6th | 90
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 15th | 45.3
2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 7th | 82.8
4 Charlie Bowman Charlie Bowman
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
449.1 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 5th | 98.4
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 11th | 61.5
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 7th | 82.8
2022 DWUK R3 Freddys Yard Slopestyle | 5th | 98.4
2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 4th | 108
5 Jordan Clark Jordan Clark
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
435 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 2nd | 135
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 1st | 150
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 1st | 150
6 Cameron Crozier Cameron Crozier
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
375 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 3rd | 120
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 3rd | 120
2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 2nd | 135
7 Josh Crosswell Josh Crosswell
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
364.8 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 6th | 90
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 8th | 76.8
2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 6th | 90
2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 4th | 108
8 Freddy Pulman Freddy Pulman
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
353.4 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 5th | 98.4
2022 DWUK R3 Freddys Yard Slopestyle | 2nd | 135
2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 3rd | 120
9 William Lewington Booth William Lewington Booth
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
324.3 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 10th | 66.3
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 8th | 76.8
2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 5th | 98.4
2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 7th | 82.8
10 Tom Isted * Tom Isted *
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
218.4 2022 DWUK R3 Freddys Yard Slopestyle | 3rd | 120
2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 5th | 98.4
11 Zac Rainbow Zac Rainbow
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
206.4 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 4th | 108
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 5th | 98.4
12 Darren Eastall Darren Eastall
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
172.8 2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 7th | 82.8
2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 6th | 90
13 Andy Lehman Andy Lehman
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
153.6 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 8th | 76.8
2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 8th | 76.8
14 Harry Bolton Harry Bolton
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
150 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 16th | 42
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 4th | 108
15 Robert Beard Robert Beard
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
124.2 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 9th | 71.4
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 13th | 52.8
16 Larn Baldwin Larn Baldwin
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
120 2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 3rd | 120
17 Sweeny Achill Sweeny Achill
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
82.8 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 7th | 82.8
18 Makusha Nyasha Makusha Nyasha
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
71.4 2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 9th | 71.4
18 Rhys Pryce-Griffiths Rhys Pryce-Griffiths
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
71.4 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 9th | 71.4
20 Finley Evans Finley Evans
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
66.3 2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 10th | 66.3
20 Henry Turner Henry Turner
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
66.3 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 10th | 66.3
22 Ali Dunn Ali Dunn
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
61.5 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 11th | 61.5
23 Benjamin Fall Benjamin Fall
57 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 12th | 57
24 Guylian Wiseham Guylian Wiseham
48.9 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 14th | 48.9